Let’s join together to let our teen girls know they are not alone. There is hope!
The Unhindered Steps conference is designed to provide teen girls (ages 13-18) with tools, resources, and connection with trusted adults AND to provide adults (moms, dads, youth leaders, coaches, teachers, grandparents…) with information and training to be better equipped to support teen girls.
Features of this year’s conference:
A special breakout session for adult men who support teen girls in the role of a father figure or as a youth leader
Breakout sessions on thought life, grief, anxiety, body image, and more!
Licensed therapists and trained counselors available in Talk Rooms throughout the event
Fun activities, including therapy dogs, movement exercises, creative expression, and more!
Resource tables by local organizations supporting mental health
Church, we are in a mental health crisis and our teen girls are suffering. Our girls matter. Let’s take this step together to open up the conversation and continue to fight for our girls, continue to bring them to Jesus for victory, healing, and truth. We have the privilege of joining God in the battle. We are stronger together.
Invite your youth. Invite your church. Invite your friends. Let’s come together to support teen girls.
Scholarships are available. Please contact [email protected] to apply.
Sep 28, 2024 from 8:30am to 3:30pm
2985 Broadway Road, Milton, PA 17847
Contact Number
(570) 742-7315