The Children’s Ministries of CMF will reach children with the love of God and teach them His ways, growing them into faithful followers of Jesus Christ.
The Children’s Ministries of CMF will reach children with the love of God and teach them His ways, growing them into faithful followers of Jesus Christ.
For infants and children up to age 3, a staffed nursery is provided during our 9:15 AM worship service and our 10:45 AM Sunday school period. Our nursery facilities and attendants provide a safe and caring environment for your child(ren). All of our teachers and nursery workers have completed criminal and child abuse clearances.
Classes are provided for children ages 2 through fifth grade. Classes meet at 10:45 AM, with a children’s worship time from 10:45-11:00 AM. Our teachers share God’s Word and His love in an age-appropriate environment to help children apply what they learn to their lives. Children ages 2 through first grade must be signed in by a parent.
Provides a time for young children to actively learn about God’s Word. Three classes are offered during the 9:15 AM worship service: ages 3 through Preschool; Kindergarten through Second Grade; and Third through Fifth Grade.
The children are dismissed from the sanctuary when the offering is taken and remain in Children’s Church until adult worship service ends. When a child comes for the first time, we ask that an adult accompany him/her to the room, fill out a registration form, and receive a name tag before returning to the worship service. Please bring that name tag with you when you return at the end of the service to pick up your child.
This Wednesday night program is held for five weeks in the fall and winter for kids in Kindergarten through fifth grade. Each unit digs into the Bible and focuses on building Christ-like character in a fun way. The Biblical character traits learned through High Point will serve kids their entire lifetime.
Activities are taught by CMF volunteers to elementary age children in an effort to ConNect our congregation across the generations. During ConNect classes, kids can learn a skill, a hobby, a sport or just have some fun!
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© 2025 Community Mennonite Fellowship
Fueled by Linnflux