Sunday, December 25, 9:15am
Dec 25, 2022 at 9:15am
2985 Broadway Road, Milton, PA 17847
Contact Number
(570) 742-7315
Sunday, December 25, 9:15am
Dec 25, 2022 at 9:15am
2985 Broadway Road, Milton, PA 17847
(570) 742-7315
Come to create a special homemade gift. Wednesday, December 14, 6:30-8:30pm
Dec 14, 2022 at 6:30pm
2985 Broadway Road, Milton, PA 17847
(570) 742-7315
Sundays, November 20th & 27th
~during our Morning Worship~
Our Special Harvest Offering is an opportunity to say “thank you” to God for all He has provided for us throughout the year by giving to those who have been less fortunate or struck by hardship in the mission field. This year, please consider giving over and above your regular weekly offering to bless the ministry of Gator Camp, who has suffered damage from Hurricane Ian very recently.
Did you know that CMF has…
· Many relational ties with those who work and advocate for Gator Camp?
· Sent youth on missions trips to help at Gator Camp?
· Had a past youth director who worked at this camp?
· Youth who have possible aspirations to be “chiefs” (counselors for the boys) at Gator Camp?
Gator Wilderness Camp School, located on a 250 acre property in southwest Florida, hosts a year-round camping program designed specifically to serve adolescent boys from the ages of 11-15 years old who significantly struggle to interpret a myriad of issues in their families, schools, and communities. The camp staff is dedicated to sharing Christ’s unconditional love them and their families, and make it a goal to pursue relationships with those in need and to offer a navigational beacon of hope and healing in the name of Christ.
Nov 20, 2022
2985 Broadway Road, Milton, PA 17847
(570) 742-7315
Congregational Meeting and Mac Meal!
Sunday, November 13, 2022
~immediately following Sunday school~
Fellowship Meal: Features Macaroni & Cheese judged by none other than our kiddos! Macaroni & cheese comes in many yummy variations, but we adults cannot live on mac alone, so please plan to bring great side dishes and desserts as well. It’s best to bring two dishes, a main dish and either a side salad or dessert to share with everyone. Your prepared dish needs to come in a crock pot or ready to place in a provided food warmer in the kitchen.
Congregational Meeting: After lunch, please remain to review the Proposed 2023 CMF Budget. The budget will be in church mailboxes prior to the meeting. Please review the information ahead of time and bring your thoughts and questions to the meeting.
All are Welcome!
Nov 13, 2022
2985 Broadway Road, Milton, PA 17847
(570) 742-7315
Give the gift of life: On Friday, November 11, (Veteran’s Day) from 11:00 AM—4:00 PM, CMF will host an American Red Cross Blood Drive. Register online at redcrossblood.org. Find our Drive easily by entering our 17847 zip code, then scroll down to register for a time slot. Walk-ins will be accepted if time permits
Nov 11, 2022 from 11:00am to 4:00pm
2985 Broadway Road, Milton, PA 17847
(570) 742-7315
Men! It’s time to hash the state of the world over breakfast. Maybe that’s why we eat “hash” browns…?
Let’s gather Saturday morning, October 29, at 7:15am in Room 201/202 for a great time in the Lord. There is a sign-up clipboard by the Welcome Desk with items you can bring to help make breakfast hearty! Don’t worry, sign up even if you cannot donate –we’d love to have you there!
Oct 29, 2022 at 7:15am
2985 Broadway Road, Milton, PA 17847
(570) 742-7315
Join us for a Golf Outing and Picnic at Wynding Brook Golf Club
Saturday, September 10, 2022
Setup at 11:30 AM
Tee off at noon
Green and cart fees $35. Walking $27.
Men, women, and youth are welcome, and no need to be a good golfer to join the fun!
A picnic will follow at Jay & Lois Miller’s home.
Please sign up at the Welcome Desk or contact John Peachey or Jay Miller for any questions.
Sep 10, 2022 at 11:30am
201 Harveys Lane, Milton, PA 17847
(570) 742-7315
Sunday, August 7, 2022
Join us for a Church Picnic at RB Winter Park, from noon ‘til dusk. Bring your own lunch, snacks, and drinks for the day and a hot and cold dish to share for our 4:00 PM meal. Hot dogs, hamburgers, rolls, and condiments will be supplied. A time of worship is also planned. There is plenty of space to roam, bike, hike, fish, swim, or just hang out and enjoy time with friends and family.
Aug 07, 2022 at 12:00pm
2985 Broadway Road, Milton, PA 17847
(570) 742-7315
This is a place to come together and have open-hearted conversation about what’s happening in our lives
July 31 and August 28, the last Sundays of the summer months. Held at congregation homes. For location and exact times, contact the church
Jul 31, 2022
2985 Broadway Road, Milton, PA 17847
(570) 742-7315
CMF Vacation Bible School
Kids will “travel” to Africa to learn about GRATEFULNESS!
Bible stories, snacks, music, games, crafts, and more!!
Mon, July 25 – Fri, July 29
For preschoolers (age 4) – 5th graders (completed)
Register @ https://tinyurl.com/2022summerhighpoint
Check-in: 6:00-6:15pm
Program: 6:15-8:00pm
Meal: 5:30-6pm (for attendees & families)
Jul 25, 2022 from 6:00pm to 8:00pm
2985 Broadway Road, Milton, PA 17847
(570) 742-7315
© 2025 Community Mennonite Fellowship
Fueled by Linnflux